Friday, 30 April 2010
Getting Obesity Help
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Another new way to help people suffering from obesity is to perform surgical procedures such as extensive gastric bypass; where portions of the stomach are removed, gastric banding; placing what seems like an elastic band around your stomach, panniculectomy; removing pieces of stomach (also known as a tummy tuck). These are just some of the procedures available and are only for use in drastic times. Many people can loose weight without these operations and therefore do not need to put themselves through a lot of pain which is consistent with each of these operations.
When accepting help for your obesity make sure it is a plan that you will stick to and work for as motivation does decrease very quickly, a lot of weight falls of at the beginning but when the first initial few weeks are past the weight will fall of slowly and you will start to get cravings so that needs to be taken into consideration and whatever you do don’t attempt a quick fix fad diet all they will do is mess up your insides. The best way to loose weight is to eat properly and sensibly.
Obesity help is available all around you; there are adverts on the television, books, videos and programmes to help people who have problems loosing weight. Why not join a slimming class? That way you are not alone in our efforts and you meet people in the same position as you. Slimming groups tend to follow healthy eating programmes and have a weight in every couple of weeks so you can keep record o how well you are doing! They then reward people with certificates to keep for loosing weight; these certificates offer a big motivational surge and help you to keep on going.
Don’t let others get you down by saying “oh you’ve not lost that much” keep your spirits high by telling yourself that at least you have lost something and you have dedicated yourself and put in a lot of effort, by doing so you will continue the chain of weight loss and inevitably make you feel a lot better!
By Rick McManus
Labels: child obesity, childhood obesity, obese, obesity, obesity child, obesity childhood, obesity children obesity america, obesity statistics, obesity the, overweight
Monday, 26 April 2010
A Look At Obesity
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Obesity is a trojan horse. It brings a battalion of ailments, which are most detrimental to our health. To name a few, following are the complications that could arise out being obese.
1. Hypertension
2. Diabetes (Type-2)
3. Coronary heart disease
4. Stroke
5. Gallbladder disease
6. Osteoarthritis
7. Asthma
8. Sleep apnea and respiratory problems
9. Some cancers (endometrial, breast and colon)
10.High levels of cholesterol
This is an unending list, where each of the above ailments are capable of creating other complications, where no medication without side effect, could be comfortably used. Prevention is the best cure for obesity. How to achieve this?
Shake Your Head
A doctor once told my friend, who is obese that it is very easy to lose weight. My friend became very interested and asked him to suggest a way. The doctor calmly replied that just shake your head from left to right, maybe ten times a day! My friend became very curious. What is the idea behind this? He asked. Doctor calmly replied, "Whenever anyone offers you something to eat, shake your head from left to right". Simple, isn't it? It is simple, but it requires discipline, which is not simple. But then, habit makes discipline. Avoiding junk food and fast food must be done with a discipline.
Is Being Overweight Obesity
Obesity is not just due to eating disorder unlike overweight. Obesity is hereditary and it is measured by Body Mass Index or BMI. Adults over the BMI of 30 Kg/m2 is considered are considered obese and any one with reading between 25 and 29.9 kg/m2 is overweight, not obese.
Obesity is posing the biggest threat to Americans and the numbers are rising with each year. There are around 35% obese Americans according to a survey. This is also draining the state exchequer heavily to the tune of $25 billions a year.
What Causes Obesity
There are more reasons than one. Having obsession to eating more calories than you can burn off, how active are you, what you eat and whether you have an inherited streak in your genes, all these determine your chances of becoming obese. In any case it is due to the over accumulation of fats.
Is There An Anti-Obesity Plan?
There are many quick-fix plans being promoted by the so called dietitians which are not regulated by FDA. However, burning fat by increased physical activity and a changed lifestyle in addition to changed eating habits to healthier foods must gradually show results.
Although fat at hips is not quicker to harm you than the accumulation around waist, there is no guarantee that you are absolutely safe. Talk to your trainer and dietitian, pull-up your socks and get going. After all, it’s your life.
By Alan Ross
Labels: child obesity, childhood obesity, obese, obesity, obesity america, obesity child, obesity childhood, obesity children, obesity statistics, obesity the
Thursday, 22 April 2010
Does The Sonoma Diet Or A Mediterranean Diet Really Make Fighting Obesity Easier?
Power Vegetables In A Drink |
The Mediterranean diet is a healthy way to eat and contains essential nutrients in healthy quantities that can help a person avoid becoming obese. Studies have shown those participants who stuck to a Mediterranean diet, the lower their body mass index was and the lower their risk of becoming obese.
There's no one "Mediterranean" diet. At least 16 countries border the Mediterranean Sea. Diets vary between these countries and also between regions within a country. Many differences in culture, ethnic background, religion, economy and agricultural production result in different diets. But the common Mediterranean dietary pattern has certain characteristics that include:
• high consumption of fruits, vegetables, bread and other cereals, potatoes, beans, nuts and seeds
• olive oil is an important monounsaturated fat source
• dairy products, fish and poultry are consumed in low to moderate amounts, and little red meat is eaten
• eggs are consumed zero to four times a week
• wine is consumed in low to moderate amounts
People who follow the average Mediterranean diet eat less saturated fat than those who eat the average American diet. In fact, saturated fat consumption is well within our dietary guidelines. More than half the fat calories in a Mediterranean diet come from monounsaturated fats (mainly from olive oil). Monounsaturated fat doesn't raise blood cholesterol levels the way saturated fat does.
The incidence of heart disease in Mediterranean countries is lower than in the United States. Death rates are lower, too. But this may not be entirely due to the diet. Lifestyle factors (such as more physical activity and extended social support systems) may also play a part.
The Sonoma Diet is based on a Mediterranean diet plan where a person learns how to eat well and get fit. They provide hundreds of recipes, many tools and specific advice to help with your weight loss success. Plus the Sonoma Diet has recently launched a brand new online diet plan specifically meant to trim your waist. There are a number of advantages with the Sonoma Diet one is that you can start seeing results in less than 10 days. Another advantages is wine!
They provide hundreds of recipes, many tools and specific advice to help with your weight loss success. Plus the Sonoma Diet has recently launched a brand new online diet plan specifically meant to trim your waist.
By Joan Martin
Labels: child obesity, childhood obesity, obese, obesity, obesity child, obesity childhood, obesity children, obesity epidemic, obesity statistics, obesity the, overweight
Sunday, 18 April 2010
The Causes Of Obesity
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There is no simple answer.
Basically, a person becomes obese when more calories are consumed than he or she can burn. This is called “calorie imbalance.” Beyond this simple definition, the factors that cause obesity are varied and many.
Calorie imbalance has many things that affect it. What causes this imbalance varies from one person to another. We also know obesity is more than just over-eating. Genetic, environmental, psychological, and other factors seem to play big roles in causing obesity.
Here are some factors that have been attributed to obesity:
1. Weight Gain During Certain Periods
A person commonly gains more weight during the following periods of life: between 12 and 18 months of age, between 12 and 16 years of age, adulthood when a person gains in excess of 60% of their ideal body weight and women, during pregnancy.
2. Genetic Factors
Heredity is linked to obesity. Studies of adopted children show that adopted children tend to have weights closer to their biological parents than to their adoptive parents.
3. Environmental Factors
Environment also strongly influences obesity. This includes lifestyle behaviors such as what a person eats and level of physical activity. The tendency to eat high-fat foods, to use labor saving devices coupled with a sedentary lifestyle are causes behind obesity.
4. Psychological Factors
Many people eat when they are stressed, bored or angry. Over time, the association between an emotion and food can become firmly fixed.
Depression and stress can also lead to obesity and are leading causes of eating disorders. Studies show most overweight people have no more psychological problems than people of average weight.
Most eating disorders can also be traced to behavioral or psychological difficulties. Up to 10 percent of people who are mildly obese and who try to lose weight on their own or through commercial weight loss programs have binge eating disorder. This disorder is even more common in people who are severely obese.
5. Age
Metabolism slows down with advancing age. As you get older you do not require as many calories to maintain your weight as you did when you were younger.
If you know about these factors you are in a better position to cope with the life cycles and manage your weight without getting into the problems of obesity.
By JM Jackson
Labels: child obesity, childhood obesity, obese, obesity, obesity america, obesity child, obesity childhood, obesity children, obesity statistics, obesity the
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Obesity Guide - Obesity Epidemic
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This obesity epidemic is not confined to one age group or even sex. It is globally widespread. The main causes for the onslaught of this obesity epidemic are our lifestyles. The way we live, the food that we eat, the places where we work are all contributing to this epidemic.
Unlike other epidemics there are only certain medical solutions which can be found. These should be undertaken with the full approval of your doctor. At present to combat the effects of the obesity epidemic the solutions include controlling the intake of food, having an active lifestyle, and doing some form of vigorous exercise. These are the first defense lines for losing weight.
If these methods don’t work there are other alternatives. These will include weight reduction surgeries. These surgeries are presently considered as being a good way to combat the obesity epidemic. There is one problem with this form of weight loss, and this deals with childhood obesity. As the obesity epidemic can also be found in children a suitable or different method for these children needs to be found.
This is due to the fact that medical bodies have been advised against performing any weight loss surgeries like gastric bypass surgery on children. Now unless the child patient is in a morbidly obese state there is another way to prevent this obesity epidemic from flowing into their vicinity.
The natural resilience of youth means that most children like to be active outdoors. You can encourage this tendency by letting them participate in various sporting activities. With these sports the fats and calories are burned up. As a result of this active lifestyle there is less chance for a child to become overweight.
The cures for the obesity epidemic can be found in having a healthy lifestyle. With this sort of living we have the ability of burning up all of these stored fasts just like our cave dwelling ancestors used to. Knowing all of these facts can help you to stop from being one of the candidates for the obesity epidemic.
By S-Guptha
Labels: child obesity, childhood obesity, obese, obesity, obesity child, obesity childhood, obesity children, obesity epidemic, obesity statistics, obesity the, overweight
Saturday, 10 April 2010
Obesity Guide - Morbid Obesity
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There are many medical documents which detail what is considered as morbid obesity. This term needs to be understood because in the general conversations that we hear people use the terms “fat” and “obese” with ease. The person who first hears the words morbid obesity might become confused as to the differences between these terms.
So let’s sort these terms out in a simple manner. First off being fat is when you are not able to fit into any clothes which are designated in the size 10 through 12 and under. At this point you will still be able to exercise this excess weight off easily. When a person is obese they are considered as being in the clothes range of 16 and above. While getting rid of the weight is a little more difficult it is still accomplishable.
All of this changes when a person’s body weight enters the morbid obesity range. At this point in time you find that your personal weight is 100 pounds over what is considered to be your ideal normal body weight. As getting into this condition can lead to lots of health related problems you may want to stop your weight from going into this condition.
If you are not willing to wait until you visit your doctor to find out if you are heading towards the morbid obesity side there are various devices which have been designed to help you out. These will include the simple and easy to understand weight chart. In this chart the person’s height and ideal weight are listed.
There are two separate sections for men and women. This makes it easy for you to see what range of weight you should be in, in order to fall outside of the morbid obesity spectrum. The usual routes to weight loss may not work if you are looking at morbid obesity. At this point you might want to see if any of the strict diets like the Zone diet will help you to reduce your weight.
If these methods will not provide you with a significant amount of weight loss you can see the alternatives of weight reduction surgeries like the mini gastric bypass surgery. These methods coupled with a new active change to your lifestyle can help propel you out of being in the morbid obesity range.
By S-Guptha
Labels: child obesity, childhood obesity, obese, obesity, obesity child, obesity childhood, obesity children, obesity statistics, obesity the, overweight
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
A Warning to Parents – Easy Tips to Conquer Childhood Obesity
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Today’s kids most especially in the United States are living a life of sedentary. Technological advancement has allowed the children to become lax and inactive. Computers, Video games, Television has replaced the good old fashioned way of playing, plus a diet consist of junk foods, fatty foods, high in carbohydrate meals and lots of soda, all consumed in just a day has made the problem worse. Because the parents are so busy working that they let the kids choose their own food.
The increasing number of related sickness attributed to obesity must be enough to alarm parents on the danger of obesity to their child. Luckily for parents, there is still a way to stop childhood obesity from taking over the life of the child.
* The first thing you need to do is change the current habit of your child, If you are of those type of parents that allows their child to sit in front of the television or computers for several hours nonstop, then it must be stop immediately. The best thing to do is to accompany your child to walk for at least 30 minutes a day; it is a good start to fight obesity, plus a great way to bond with them.
* Enroll your child in any activity that will help them to become physically active, such as swimming, baseball, taekwondo, and etc.
* The best thing for your child whenever you buy your groceries is to avoid buying drinks that are high in fructose as sweetener or a soda with high content of sugar, rather used ice tea or lemonade as a substitute.
* Use whole wheat flour for making bread or pasta for easy digestion.
* Purchasing soy milk or any other low fat milk is much better, instead of your regular milk.
* Rather than buying junk food or other foods high in fat as snacks. You can bake them cookies or muffins using oats as the main ingredients, and then add pecans or walnuts to make it crunchier and healthier.
* Serve plenty of vegetable in a week. To make the child like them try doing something special to the meal, as well as the fruits.
* Last but not the least, serving fish twice a week rather than red meats can make a big difference, if you cannot avoid serving meats. You can opt to choose parts like tenderloin and sirloin.
Consulting your physician to get the best advice for your child is essential, most especially if the child has a special condition. Doctors can give you proper guidelines on diet and exercise to assist you in helping your child reach their ideal weight. Just remember that treating obesity will not happen overnight, this things cannot be rush, patience, understanding, and love is vital to your child’s health.
By Irsan Komarga
Labels: child obesity, childhood obesity, obese, obesity, obesity child, obesity childhood, obesity children, obesity statistics, obesity the, overweight
Friday, 2 April 2010
Obesity Facts
Power Vegetables In A Drink |
For additional information about the obesity facts you will find that the internet has a large collection of sites which are dedicated to this task of finding obesity facts. From these sites you will be able to see how obesity can affect our health. The reasons leading to obesity are also covered.
Depending on where you look for your obesity facts you will have the choice of seeing the medical terminology or having these facts laid out for you in layman’s terms. Regardless of where you get this information you can see how the information can help you.
The main thing to remember when you are looking at these obesity facts is that these are complied on the current available facts. These facts might not be of much help but you do have options open to you. These options can be found in the detailed obesity facts. By reading these facts you will know which of the weight reduction surgeries are best.
As an example of the obesity facts you will find that the mini gastric bypass surgery is considered as being among the best ways to deal with obesity. The other weight reduction surgery which is known to be a good one because the surgery can be easily reversed, is that of the lap band surgery.
Even though these are currently the surgeries that are most popular there are items which need to be seen when these procedures are being looked at. The obesity facts which pertain to these surgeries will help you to see where you can help yourself before the surgery takes place. You can find information from the obesity facts about the best facilities to get these weight reduction operations done safely.
The main thing to remember when you are looking at these obesity facts is that these facts cover a large area in the field of obesity. For this reason you should have an idea of where you can get the accurate information that you need quickly and painlessly. The best way to think of obesity facts is by seeing that these are guidelines for people to follow in order for them to reduce their excess obese weight.
By S-Guptha
Labels: child obesity, childhood obesity, obese, obesity, obesity child, obesity childhood, obesity children, obesity statistics, obesity the, overweight
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