Tuesday, 6 April 2010

A Warning to Parents – Easy Tips to Conquer Childhood Obesity

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The world today is full of obese children’s. But what is more shocking is that most parents allow their kids to gain more unnecessary weights. They find children’s obesity cute and funny, except it isn’t’ healthy. What most parents don’t know is that obesity can ruin their child’s health and future.

Today’s kids most especially in the United States are living a life of sedentary. Technological advancement has allowed the children to become lax and inactive. Computers, Video games, Television has replaced the good old fashioned way of playing, plus a diet consist of junk foods, fatty foods, high in carbohydrate meals and lots of soda, all consumed in just a day has made the problem worse. Because the parents are so busy working that they let the kids choose their own food.

The increasing number of related sickness attributed to obesity must be enough to alarm parents on the danger of obesity to their child. Luckily for parents, there is still a way to stop childhood obesity from taking over the life of the child.


* The first thing you need to do is change the current habit of your child, If you are of those type of parents that allows their child to sit in front of the television or computers for several hours nonstop, then it must be stop immediately. The best thing to do is to accompany your child to walk for at least 30 minutes a day; it is a good start to fight obesity, plus a great way to bond with them.

* Enroll your child in any activity that will help them to become physically active, such as swimming, baseball, taekwondo, and etc.

* The best thing for your child whenever you buy your groceries is to avoid buying drinks that are high in fructose as sweetener or a soda with high content of sugar, rather used ice tea or lemonade as a substitute.

* Use whole wheat flour for making bread or pasta for easy digestion.

* Purchasing soy milk or any other low fat milk is much better, instead of your regular milk.

* Rather than buying junk food or other foods high in fat as snacks. You can bake them cookies or muffins using oats as the main ingredients, and then add pecans or walnuts to make it crunchier and healthier.

* Serve plenty of vegetable in a week. To make the child like them try doing something special to the meal, as well as the fruits.

* Last but not the least, serving fish twice a week rather than red meats can make a big difference, if you cannot avoid serving meats. You can opt to choose parts like tenderloin and sirloin.

Consulting your physician to get the best advice for your child is essential, most especially if the child has a special condition. Doctors can give you proper guidelines on diet and exercise to assist you in helping your child reach their ideal weight. Just remember that treating obesity will not happen overnight, this things cannot be rush, patience, understanding, and love is vital to your child’s health.

By Irsan Komarga

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