Wednesday, 12 May 2010

3 Ways To Avoid Childhood Obesity

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There is a lot of talk these days about childhood obesity and why it seems that today's children are more overweight than the previous generations. There are a lot of factors that play into why this may be the reason and I'm sure some of them you may have heard from the media.

The fact of the matter is we live in a different time and nothing remains to be stagnant. The priorities of families have changed and how we spend our time has changed as well. We don't look at time the same way we used and money as well. With this in mind it reflects the appearance on our bodies.

Everyone knows that eating at McDonald's could be the cause of childhood obesity, and it's simple to say that's the problem. But there is so much more to it than just that. What I see as a major contributor to obesity in children and adults is "lack of time". Today people are so busy and they just aren't taking the "time" that's needed to prepare a healthy dinner. We are all on the run and it's so easy to just pick-up a cheeseburger at the local McDonald's. Besides you must think maybe that's what my child really wants Well, yes and no. Of course your child wants some French fries but is it good for them? No. A French fry here or there will not hurt but a regular diet of McDonald's will hurt.

The United State takes less time in enjoying the occasion, it's just so quick and easy to eat and go.

Another factor that is causing obesity is the quality of food in our school systems. Canned this and that with sugar in it, canned veggies, fried chicken nuggets, soda machines in the hallway. All of this stuff almost seems normal. No, it's not acceptable to have soda in school and junk food. Pizza day on Friday, seems like pizza day everyday. Fresh fruits and veggies should be the choice and the healthy alternative.

The third reason for obesity is the lack of physical exercise. In the last decade children have increased the amount of time they online and watching TV. They have reduced the time spent burning calories. So even if you eat a chicken nugget you have just avoided the ability to burn off the calories. Fresh air and exercise are important every day for adults and children as well.

So the next time you wish to have that cheeseburger, think about having an apple with some peanut butter dip. Get out every day for some exercise which gives you the opportunity to burn off calories.

By: Christine Groth

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Saturday, 8 May 2010

All You Need To Know About Obesity

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Most people did not know much about obesity. For them, obesity goes no deeper than a less than fashionable look, but the fact is, obesity is an epidemic, a disease spread fast in our world these days, across both the industrialized world and emerging economies.

What is obesity? Obesity means having too much energy that will become fat after you eating foods, on your body. Obesity puts a strain on joints and bones that have to sustain more weight than ever before, which leads to arthritis in the future. The weight also tends to make people lazier. It means more weight put on your body.

There are so many high cholesterol foods in our world. The lack of activity and high cholesterol brought by eating too much of the wrong food will impair the proper functioning of your heart and blood vessels. This caused high blood pressure, stroke and other blood and heart conditions. Excess fat also leads cessation of breathing during sleep, called apnea.

I know with patience and effort, we can cure obesity. As this diseases caused by obesity spreads over the land, so do the efforts for curing it increase. Read my review in my website to know more.

Now we should talk about how to recognizing obesity, shall we?

The definition of obesity is a BMI (body mass index) of above 30. What is BMI? BMI is a measure of a person’s weight scaled according to height. This index serves to show the amount of fat stored on your body, and if your BMI is higher than 30, the worst is your exposure to certain diseases.

Many weight loss experts also warn that having a lot of fat stored around your waist increases the risk of developing diseases. Going beyond size 40 in men and size 35 in women means only trouble for your body in the future.

Anyway, unhealthy eating combined with sustained lack of activity caused obesity. When you are eating too much food, food will give more calories than your body need.

Eating habits are the first reason why people became obese. Lack of activity is the second reason. With neither the time, nor the inclination to control one’s meals, it is no wonder people get fat all over the world, everywhere. About lack of activity, it is different from the past where people walking to go working. Now most people using car for transportation.

Obesity, unfortunately, also be inherited from family members who suffered from it. If your family has a history of obesity, then you would do well to watch your weight problem.

About Fast Foods, what do you think?

I am busy and you are busy, I know that. But do not let this change your eating habits. This does not mean that we have to eat everything fast food restaurants put before you. Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, etc. may look good, but they are fat too highly powered got your health. The problem is, a single burger is worth a whole meal, but your stomach will never filled by a regular burger, so it will keep asking for more, and you will eat more burgers despite the fact that your body does not need more burgers.

Many people try diets and fitness programs to lose a few pounds but when they hungry, they are returning to the old lifestyle and eating habits. It means that weight lost turns into weight regained and your body gets used to these lean times and it will harder for you to lose weight.

So what I need to do?

To all this you may add that following a diet for a longer period is hard, because you will always crave the forbidden foods. The fact that certain delicious foods are forbidden makes them that much more attractive. I know that. You need a successful diet. A successful diet means adjusting your lifestyle to your needs, especially by making time for more exercising. Please don’t forget to control your eating habits. It is very important. However, you may need a natural weight loss pills to help you lose unwanted pounds.

By Ruddy Gunawan

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Tuesday, 4 May 2010

The Causes Of Obesity

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Far and away, the most common cause for obesity is unhealthy eating habits combined with an overall lack of any type of physical activity. If the food that you consume results in in taking more calories than you burn, you body opens up the ol' store room and puts it away as fat.

Very basic, simplified concept... but that's the bottom line.

Bad eating habits are by far the number one reason why people head down the path to obesity. With today's emphasis on time and convenience when it comes to eating and planning one's meals it is no wonder at all that obesity is propagating throughout the entire world. And that's just the diet side of the equation... throw in the fact that with all of today's other conveniences, people get less and less activity in their daily routine and you've got a world wide health issue developing.

When it comes to genetics; you can be more naturally susceptible to obesity and being overweight if it runs in the family. But having said this, it is still up to you to control your eating habits and your lifestyle in order to effectively keep obesity at bay.

As I mentioned just a bit early, personal time and convenience combined together more often than not add up to junk food. If you find that you are eating out more than you should, you should start looking at what you are about to eat. For instance, fast food and restaurant food's portioning are usually way more than your body needs... not to mention the type of food. A single burger in and of itself is a complete meal as far as your body is concerned because of the fat and calories involved. The problem is your stomach will not 'feel' full after consuming but one singe burger... so it cries out for more... regardless of the fact that your body is at it's maximum. If you want more volume... eat healthier foods to begin with.

Changing your eating habits is a much better mind set to get into than 'dieting'. The problem with the 'dieting' mentality is that most people will tend to lose a few pounds on their latest 'diet' but return to their old destructive eating habits once they get bored or constantly inconvenienced with the diet. Then to add another layer of difficulty, once you go from diet to diet restricting your body from nutrients; your body will go into a defensive mode storing everything that it possibly can and make it even more difficult for you to lose weight.

Any successful 'diet' is actually a successful 'lifestyle' change... which by the way includes exercise. Forbidding yourself from certain foods that you enjoy immensely just makes them all the more attractive to you.

So, think lifestyle and not so much diet. Work to eat healthier, and keep those 'forbidden' foods moderated and proportioned... and get some regular exercise. Not only does exercise withdraw those calories from your body's storage bank; but you'll feel better, reduce your boredom, your stress level, and those cravings.

By Jeff Foster

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